Sunday 29 November 2009

Pik Hun's 21st Birthday Party

Yesterday was Pik Hun's 21st birthday party celebration. Yesterday wasn't her birthday, but she decided to celebrate in advance as we all are having ACCA exam, it's around the corner now, and yet I'm not fully prepared for it... T_____T

However yesterday was having a very good time with Ji Muis and friends...

Her family is really really a very nice and friendly family... I always feel happy to go to her house, hope her parents don't feel that we are annoying =p

Actually I almost overslept yesteday, luckily Geno called me, if I was late Pik Hun would have scolded me XD

And luckily I didn't late, Geno came to my house at 7pm, then we walked to Pik Hun's house. Only Ji Muis were there when we got there, and we started eating and taking photos with the pretty birthday girl...

After we finished eating, we decided to go out yum cha 1st as there were many people coming to her house, and birthday girl was really busy, we didn't talk much to her... LOL... We went to Kay's Garden, where I'm working as part timer. After we chit chat for about an hour, Cui Wah received a call from Pik Hun and said that her boyfriend gave her a Coach bag as her birthday present!!!

WOW~~~ That was our 1st word after we heard from Cui Wah about the present, then we rushed back to her house to see the present, LOL... Then after that it's CAKE TIME~~~ Her boyfriend was really excited, they kissed twice and her boyfriend was really drunk when we sang birthday song to Pik Hun, he looked funny yesterday, LOL =p

Then Ji Muis wanted to go back home before 12am, haih I felt quite sad cause we didn't see each other for quite a long time d, miss them so much =p But nevermind, we are going to meet each other soon at ACCA exam hall =.="

While we were waiting for Pik Hun to play mahjong, we were playing Poker. Her uncle saw us playing and he said he wanted to join... He is a really friendly, nice and funny uncle, I felt happy to play Black Jack with him, although I lost money to him =p

After we finished playing cards, Pik Hun still cant play mahjong with us, cause her boyfriend really drunk d, she needed to take care of her boyfriend. Then Siew Yen's boyfriend came to pick her up. That time, my darling, Cui Wah also drunk d... I drove my dad's car to fetch her back to Cheras, John was accompanying me.

We went to Steven's Corner to have supper 1st... After she eaten Maggi Goreng Sotong, I felt that she was getting better, then I fetched her back to her house. That time was about 4.45 in the morning, wow... Hehez...

I reached home safely at 5.10 in the morning, and yet my parents didn't notice that I "stole" the car 3something in the morning and came back at 5.10 in the morning, felt so happy, LOL...

In conclusion, yesterday I was having a very very nice time at the birthday party, and I hope the birthday girl has also enjoyed her birthday celebration yesterday (although most people thought yesterday was an engaged party XD)

Sunday 22 November 2009












Monday 16 November 2009



幸福,是每一个人所追求的东西... 可是,幸福的定义却因人而异...


和她们经历过的所有事情,还深深烙印在我的脑海里... 我相信这些事情我大概会永生难忘...

我们从14岁相识到现在21岁,不知不觉已经7年了... 从当初的不认识,到后来互看不顺眼,再到后来,成为了无话不谈的好朋友... 我们之间不需要太多的言语,一个眼神或一个动作就知道大家心里在想什么,所以我们都很珍惜这份难能可贵的友情...

现在,我们都各有各的生活了... 她,结婚了,有孩子了,在家相夫教子... 另一个她,常年在澳洲读书,最近回国了... 而我,也是每天重复着同样的生活。读书,工作,玩乐,喝酒...

和她们吃晚餐时,我们也聊了很多彼此的生活... 我们还聊了从前在中学时所说的梦想,呵呵... 现在回想还真好笑,梦想就是梦想,很难成为“现实”... 我们都有很多的感触和感慨...

如果,当初我们把残酷的事实告诉了她,今天的结局会不会不一样呢?我们当初选择了沉默,结果造就了永远无法回头的结局... 原来,一个决定和一句话,真的会影响一个人的一辈子!!!

现在,说再多也没有用,已经无法改变了... 只希望她事真的幸福,我们会一直在这里以最真诚的心来祝福她的~~~



致我的朋友和JI MUIS:我们一定要幸福!


Thursday 5 November 2009

Drink Drank Drunk

I've been drinking wine and Bombay Sapphire with my colleagues these 2 days at our work place... It was a damn nice experince...
Don't be misunderstanding that we are alcoholic, is just that two of my colleagues were broke up with their boyfriend and girlfriend, and they got hurt very very much... They can't stand the pain without alcohol...
As their friends, we have to keep them company to help them overcome the pain... Hope that they can heal soon and be happier... Because when I see them working, they are pretending to be happy, this is the worst part...
The most important thing in life isn't about money, is HAPPINESS... If you have to wealth without happiness, I can guarantee that you won't feel happy in your whole life time...
In conclusion, HAPPINESS is still the most important thing in our life... You can forget how to save money, how to drink and eat, BUT... you must not forget how to be HAPPY~~~
Hope JJ and Crystal can recover soon... No matter what happens, we all will stand by your side to support you... We've got your back!!! Add oil my dear friends~~~ =)