Sunday 21 August 2011

Gym Mates Dinner | 17-8-2011

Going gym wasn't that fun before I knew all these gym mates...

Before knowing them, just wanted to go gym workout and burn calories...

After knowing them, going gym become funnier as we can chit chat about everything...

Besides, we also talk with our classes' instructors...

We become closer to each other, and we make lots of laughter in the gym... ^^

Went to QQ Steamboat Buffet Restaurant on 17/8 with gym mates...

We had fun, food was nice and snapped a lot of cute photos... =D

Speak no evil, Hear no evil, See no evil

Jhing Yee
Chef of the day
p/s: she's only 15!

Too bad another friend Jo couldn't make it....

Hopefully we can have more makan sessions in the future with all of our members present...


♥ MY LIFE 2011

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